In 2007, the Royal Mint released a very Limited Issue Proof 12 Coin collection which contains Proof specimens of the circulating range of Coinage from the United Kingdom.
This year commemorates the Queen's Diamond Wedding £5 Five Pound Coin, also included are two bi-colour £2 Two Pound Coins - one marking the 300th Anniversary of the Act of Union between England and Scotland and one celebrating the Abolition of the Slave Trade - and a commemorative 50p Fifty Pence Coin celebrating the Centenary of the Scout Movement. The £1 One Pound Coin represents England and is the last in the bridge series honouring the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom.
Also included is the Britannia 50p Fifty Pence, Tudor Rose 20p Twenty Pence, Crowned Lion 10p Ten Pence, Crowned Thistle 5p Five Pence, Prince of Wales
2p Two Pence and Portcullis 1p One Pence Coins.
These legal tender coins have been struck to proof quality using specially prepared dies and highly polished blanks.